Die Profies
The Professionals
For Blending
and Mixing
Mengen und ballen.
and Form
in one operation
with the WESTFALIA-mixing

The outstanding performance of WESTFALIA-mixing machines is the result of more than 90-years experience in the production of mixing machines over four generations.

Sauber. Sauber.
clean. clean.
Our high pressure cleaners
with stainless steel cladding

Our high-pressure cleaners work for you in every demanding situation. They are ideal for use in the food industry.

The high-pressure cleaners are equipped with a variety of sophisticated functions that make your job easier.

Präzision im Detail.
Precision in detail.
Turning, milling, welding

In addition to our meat processing machines and pressure washers, we are due to our mechanical production capacities also a competent partner in the area of turning and milling.

Präzision im
New. Innovative. Individual.
special machine
for meat processing

Highest quality and robust machines through high-quality stainless steel processing. All machines are customizable according to customer requirements and tailored to the needs.


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We move on. For you.
Special engineering, the experts for decades in the market segment of meat processing machines. This is what Stork & Herrmann.

Demand is always new, innovative and customized solutions. In thinking. In action. In doing.
Welcome to Stork & Herrmann.
Blending + Mixing
Over 90 years experience
in the production
of mixing machines
Blending + Mixing
Series MA
Series MA
with mobile and tiltable bowl 150 - 200 - 300 - 400 Liter
mit fahr- und kippbarem Bottich 150 - 200 - 300 - 400 Liter
  1. Higher flexibility by the use of several blending cars.
  2. Direct emptying of the mixing cart via lifting masts or lifting arms on filling machines is possible.
  3. Long, inclined ramp for easy positioning of the trough in the machine.
  4. In the design without electrical control, a crank is used to turn the mixing arm up so that the mixing wagon can be driven out of the machine.
  5. All blenders can optionally be supplied with an electronic sequence control system where you can configure 9 different blending times and the change-over of the direction of rotation of the trough.
  6. Safe retention of the blending cars by massive locking devices.
  7. with built-in three-phase motors and switches
Series MF
Series MF
Fully mobile 150 - 200 - 300 litres
  1. The series is characterized by a compact and enclosed design.
  2. Long-term gear lubrication ensure an operation requiring but little maintenance.
  3. The machines are provided with central water outlet for optimum cleaning.
  4. Easy change of location by lockable plastic rollers.
in komplett fahrbarer Ausführung 150 - 200 - 300 Liter
  1. Die kompakte, geschlossene Bauform zeichnet die Baureihe aus.
  2. Langzeitschmierung der Getriebe garantiereneinen wartungsarmen Betrieb.
  3. Alle Maschinen verfügen über einen zentralen Wasserablauf zur optimalen Reinigung.
  4. Leichter Standortwechsel durch arretierbare Kunststoffrollen.
Series KM
Series KM
Fully mobile 45 - 70 - 90 - 150 litres
  1. The series is characterized by a compact and enclosed design.
  2. The KM series is highly suitable for smaller quantities with narrow space requirements.
  3. Central flushing water drain plug for easy cleaning of the tub (70 - 90 - 150 liters).
  4. If needed, you can respond and produce very quickly.
Series KM S
Series KM 90 S
Fully mobile 90 litres
  1. Easy and troublefee discharge of the blended or mixed product by using the tiltable trough.
  2. Time-saving and easy cleaning of the machine..
  3. Easy and quick operationof the tiling device.
  4. Select the desired mode of operation by pressing buttons.
  5. Free castering wheels which are lockable ensure high stability.
in komplett fahrbarer Ausführung 45 - 90 Liter
  1. Durch den schwenkbaren Bottich ist die Entnahme der gemengten bzw. gemischten Ware problemlos und einfach möglich.
  2. Die Maschine lässt sich zeitsparend und leicht reinigen.
  3. Einfache und schnelle Bedienung der Kippvorrichtung.
  4. Die Anwahl der gewünschten Betriebsart erfolgt mittels Drucktasten.
  5. Arretierbare Lenkrollen garantieren hohe Standfestigkeit.
Series KM WB
Series KM WB
Using a fully mobile bowl changing system with 90 - 150 litre capacity.
  1. Higher flexibility by the use of several blending cars.
  2. Continuous production flow without long machine stops.
  3. Easy and quick operation of the tilting device.
in komplett fahrbarer Ausführung mit 90 Liter Inhalt
und Bottichwechselsystem.
  1. Kontinuierlicher Produktionsablauf ohne langen Maschinenstillstand.
  2. Sichere Handhabung und schnelle Bedienung der Bottichverriegelung.
  1. Durch den entnehm- und verfahrbaren Bottich erhöhte Flexibilität bei Einsatz mehrerer Bottiche.
  1. Durch den entnehm- und verfahrbaren Bottich erhöhte Flexibilität bei Einsatz mehrerer Bottiche.
  2. Kontinuierlicher Produktionsablauf ohne langen Maschinenstillstand.
  3. Sichere Handhabung und schnelle Bedienung der Bottichverriegelung.
Ideal for mixing
Ideal zum
Series U
WESTFALIA Mischer U415
Mischer mit 400 ltr. Inhalt zum Bearbeiten von Nahrungsmitteln aller Art
  1. Beschicken mit handelsüblichen Normwagen, schonende Produktbehandlung durch niedrige Kipphöhe
  2. Beschicken der Ware durch speziellen Hubmast
  3. Schonendes Behandeln der Produkte durch angepasste Geschwindigkeit des Mischarmes.
  4. Bis zu 80 Progamme, komplette Maschinensteuerung, Favoritenfunktion, Direkteingabefunktionstasten, Programmänderung im Prozeßablauf, Verzögerte Startfunktion
  5. Der eingebaute Abstreifer garantiert vollständige Entleerung ohne Produktverlust
series U 415
from 400 litres
  1. Gentle product handling thanks to low tilting height
  2. Loading of the product via special lift mast
  3. Gentle product handling thanks to variable mixing arm speed.
  4. Up to 80 programs. Complete control of the machine. Favourite function. Buttons for direct entry of function. Program change in process sequence . Function for delayed start.
  5. The integrated scraper ensures full discharge without any product loss.
Series KV
Series KV 300-400
Tilting device for emptying mixing cars of 300 to 400 litres capacity.
Kippvorrichtung KV 300 - 400
Kippvorichtung zum Entleeren der Mengwagen 300 und 400 Liter
der Baureihe MA.
Blending + Mixing
Over 90 years experience
in the production
of mixing machines
Blending + Mixing
Series MA
Series MA
with mobile and tiltable bowl 150 - 200 - 300 - 400 Liter
  1. Higher flexibility by the use of several blending cars.
  2. Continuous production flow without
  3. long machine stops.
  4. Long, inclined ramp for easy positioning of the trough in the machine.
  5. A crank serves to rev up the blendingarmes so that the blending cars can be driven out of the machine.
  6. All blenders can optionally be supplied with an electronic sequence control system where you can configure 9 different blending times and the change-over of the direction of rotation of the trough.
  7. Safe retention of the blending cars by massive locking devices.
  8. with built-in three-phase motors and switches
Series MF
Series MF
Fully mobile 150 - 200 - 300 litres
  1. The series is characterized by a compact and enclosed design.
  2. Long-term gear lubrication ensure an operation requiring but little maintenance.
  3. The machines are provided with central water outlet for optimum cleaning.
  4. Easy change of location by lockable plastic rollers.
Series KM
Series KM
Fully mobile 45 - 70 - 90 - 150 litres
  1. The series is characterized by a compact and enclosed design.
  2. The KM series is highly suitable for smaller quantities with narrow space requirements.
  3. Central flushing water drain plug for easy cleaning of the tub (70 - 90 - 150 liters).
  4. If needed, you can respond and produce very quickly.
Series KM S
Series KM 90 S
Fully mobile 90 litres
  1. Easy and troublefee discharge of the blended or mixed product by using the tiltable trough.
  2. Time-saving and easy cleaning of the machine..
  3. Easy and quick operationof the tiling device.
  4. Select the desired mode of operation by pressing buttons.
  5. Free castering wheels which are lockable ensure high stability.
Series KM WB
Series KM WB
Using a fully mobile bowl changing system with 90 - 150 litre capacity.
  1. Higher flexibility by the use of several blending cars.
  2. Continuous production flow without long machine stops.
  3. Easy and quick operation of the tilting device.
Ideal for mixing
Baureihe U415
series U 415
from 400 litres
  1. Gentle product handling thanks to low tilting height
  2. Loading of the product via special lift mast
  3. Gentle product handling thanks to variable mixing arm speed.
  4. Up to 80 programs. Complete control of the machine. Favourite function. Buttons for direct entry of function. Program change in process sequence . Function for delayed start.
  5. The integrated scraper ensures full discharge without any product loss.
Series KV
Series KV 300-400
Tilting device for emptying mixing cars of 300 to 400 litres capacity.
  1. Leichte Baureihe, zum Mengen von frischer gewolfter Ware, Salate etc.
  2. Schwenkbarer Bottich u. Mengarm
  3. Stabile Lagerung
  4. Robuste Veriegelung
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.

High pressure cleaner
and foam systems
with high grade steel lining
High pressure cleaner
High pressure cleaner
High pressure cleaner with high grade steel lining
Hochdruckreiniger mit Edelstahlverkleidung
  1. On plastic wheels with stainless axles mobile,,
  2. or as wall equipment with high-grade steel console
  3. with inserted three-phase motor,protective switchgear,drive over drive belt, with reduced number of revolutions of current three-piston and high-grade steel valve
  4. sucking in over brass element to 70°C water temperature or direct connection at warm water line to 70°C max. 4 bar.
  5. steplessly adjustable pressure relief valve,
  6. 5 m cable,3 m hose for sucking, 10 m high-pressure hose.
Low pressure foam systems
Low pressure foam systems in mobile and stationary model
  1. For foaming with foamable cleaning agents
  2. Chassis with wheel locks, accommodating 2 cleaning canisters a 25 kg content
  3. Single lever mixer to select 3 functions: chemistry 1, chemistry 2, or rinse
  4. Integrated hose reel with 10 meter hose DN 12
  5. 5 m water inlet hose, 5 m compressed air hose, 5 m cable with CE plug 16 A
  6. Economical water consumption, approx. 15 ltr. / Minute
  7. Compressed air connection required on site: (minimum 6 bar, approx. 250 ltr. / Minute)
  8. Integrated booster pump, max. 40 bar working pressure
Hose reel
Hose reel
Systems of low and high pressure applications
  1. Stainless steel Hose reel with automatic retractor
  2. The hose can be stopped at 8 positions per each rotation
High pressure cleaner
and foam systems
with high grade steel lining
High pressure cleaner
High pressure cleaner
High pressure cleaner with high grade steel lining
  1. On plastic wheels with stainless axles mobile,,
  2. or as wall equipment with high-grade steel console
  3. with inserted three-phase motor,protective switchgear,drive over drive belt, with reduced number of revolutions of current three-piston and high-grade steel valve
  4. sucking in over brass element to 70°C water temperature or direct connection at warm water line to 70°C max. 4 bar.
  5. steplessly adjustable pressure relief valve,
  6. 5 m cable,3 m hose for sucking, 10 m high-pressure hose.
Low pressure foam systems
Low pressure foam systems in mobile and stationary model
  1. For foaming with foamable cleaning agents
  2. Chassis with wheel locks, accommodating 2 cleaning canisters a 25 kg content
  3. Single lever mixer to select 3 functions: chemistry 1, chemistry 2, or rinse
  4. Integrated hose reel with 10 meter hose DN 12
  5. 5 m water inlet hose, 5 m compressed air hose, 5 m cable with CE plug 16 A
  6. Economical water consumption, approx. 15 ltr. / Minute
  7. Compressed air connection required on site: (minimum 6 bar, approx. 250 ltr. / Minute)
  8. Integrated booster pump, max. 40 bar working pressure
Hose reel
Systems of low and high pressure applications
Hose reel
Systems of low and high
pressure applications
  1. Stainless steel Hose reel with automatic retractor
  2. The hose can be stopped at 8 positions per each rotation
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Open to diversity
Open to diversity
Your competent
contact partner
for turning, milling
and welding
  1. In addition to our meat processing machines and pressure washers,
  2. we are due to our mechanical production capacities also a competent
  3. partner in the area of turning and milling.
  4. We are able to process all common materials, in particular VA-processing.
  5. Here, our focus lies on small and medium batch sizes.
  1. The ROTASwing® series is specially designed for high-precision 5- / 6-sided machining.
  2. Wherever power, accuracy and universality are required, the design offers many advantages. Digital drives on all axes, direct position measuring system and slip-stick-free roller guides guarantee precision and longevity of the machines. Whether high-torque main spindles with 8000 rpm or liquid-cooled CELOX® motor spindles, the performance profile of the ROTASwing® series enables a wide range of applications.

Turning is a machining process. A disc turret with driven tools enables the production of complex turning contours.

DMG lathes with driven tools and y-axis
Max. Turning diameter: 410 mm
Max. Turning length: 700 mm
Bar passage: 76 mm

Turning II